Lesson 02
Pic Collage Assignment #2
You are in charge of making a poster for the school dance with the theme “Out of This World”. You need to promote the dance and the band that will be playing but you also want an interesting background and to tell people when the dance is (day, date, and time), so they will attend.
Step 1
Look at the How to Use Pic Collage-Advanced video (below). There’s a lot going on in this video so you might want to look at it more than once.
Step 2
- Open Pic Collage and choose the freestyle option.
- Find a background you want to use, that’s appropriate to the name of the dance theme, by doing a background search (0:57 in the video).
- Go to Pictures and pick the band photo you wish to use and choose a shape to clip it (3:53 in the video).
- Add stickers if you wish.
- Add text, with the name of the dance, in an interesting font and color at the top of the poster (1:26 in the video).
- At the bottom of the poster, add some text stating the Day (Saturday), Date, and time of the dance (2:18 in the video).
- Add some text under the band photo saying: Featuring <band name> (the name of the band you made up).
- In this case, you do not want to add animation because your poster design will be printed, and animation doesn’t work on a printed poster.
- When finished click Done and save to your tablet.
How to Use Pic Collage-Advanced